Building green, and ensuring eco-friendly home upgrades, is increasingly important to a lot of people for multiple reasons. That means choosing building supplies made of natural wood, like wood mouldings and wood siding. It’s better for the environment; it’s better for the atmosphere; and it’s better for our own health.

Certified forest management provides a sustainable supply

Wood is the most sustainable of home building materials because trees regrow. However, in order to be a renewable resource, wood must come from trees harvested from a responsibly managed forest. Sustainable forest management ensures that trees are harvested ethically, while maintaining the health of the forest as well as its biodiverse ecosystem. Since trees have long growing cycles–from 30 to 100 years–this type of management system looks decades ahead to safeguard wood resources for future generations.

In Canada, responsible forest management for the last 7 decades has been a resounding success. The total area of certified forest in Canada is 168 million hectares and our regrowth rate now outpaces the number of trees harvested.

Therefore, we, as retailers, homebuilders, developers and DIYers, have a never ending supply of wood products from Canadian forests to build and upgrade homes. So there’s every reason to make it part of your next project. 

The next time you’re looking to upgrade your home’s wood mouldings, or to redo the wood floors, or the exterior wood siding, rest assured that with sustainable wood sourcing, you’re making an eco-friendly choice.

Our mill is located close to mountain forests, so we have access to high-quality Canadian lumber at reasonable costs. Give us a call if you’re looking for ideas, have questions, or want to order. 403-627-8873

Alpine Mouldings provides free estimates on wooden flooring, siding, or finishing products. You can also schedule a visit to see our finished products and workshop in person.